Source code for mockslurm.process_db

"""Implements the access to a "slurm database", stored in a HDF5 file.

HDF5 files are locked during access, which provides a convenient method to 
not have several process modifying the same database easily

import copy
import datetime
import getpass
import os
import time
from enum import IntEnum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import h5py
import numpy as np

[docs] class JobState(IntEnum): COMPLETED = 1 RUNNING = 2 PENDING = 3 CANCELLED = 4 FAILED = 5
[docs] class JobReason(IntEnum): NOREASON = 1 # sometimes there are no reason: job is running for instance WaitingForScheduling = 2 Dependency = 3 DependencyNeverSatisfied = 4 NonZeroExitCode = 5 JobLaunchFailure = 6
_DB_DTYPE = np.dtype( [ ("PID", np.int64), ("NAME", np.dtype("S128")), ("USER", np.dtype("S128")), ("ACCOUNT", np.dtype("S128")), ("PARTITION", np.dtype("S128")), ("RESERVATION", np.dtype("S128")), ("NODELIST", np.dtype("S16384")), ("TIME", np.int64), ("START_TIME", np.float64), ("CMD", np.dtype("S16384")), ("STATE", np.int64), ("REASON", np.int64), ("EXIT_CODE", np.int64), ] ) DB_DEFAULTS = { "PID": -1, "NAME": "wrap", "USER": getpass.getuser(), "ACCOUNT": getpass.getuser(), "PARTITION": "", "RESERVATION": "", "NODELIST": "mocknode1", "TIME": 0, "START_TIME":, "CMD": "", "STATE": JobState.PENDING, "REASON": JobReason.WaitingForScheduling, "EXIT_CODE": np.iinfo(np.int16).max, }
[docs] def find_db_file() -> Path: """Return a path to the location of the mock database hdf5 file. The database file location is searched among various locations typically available. Returns ------- Path Path to the mock database hdf5 file. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If a suitable location for the database file could not be found. """ possible_locations = [Path("/tmp"), Path("/var/tmp"), Path(os.environ["HOME"]) / ".local", Path(".")] mock_slurm_db = Path("mock_slurm_db.h5") for p in possible_locations: # retrieve the user permission for the directory # if it is 7, we can read, write and execute it so we can open the folder and write inside if p.exists() and int(oct(p.stat().st_mode)[-3]) == 7: return p / mock_slurm_db raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find a location to write mock slurm DB.")
[docs] def open_file_retry_on_locked(file: Path, mode: str = "a", nb_retries: int = 40, wait_s: float = 0.01) -> h5py.File: """Open `file` as an HDF5 file in `mode`. Since the HDF5 files are locked when another process access them, this function tries to open the file a certain number of time. Parameters ---------- file : Path Path to the file to open nb_retries : int, optional Number of times to try to open the file, by default 40 wait_s : float, optional Amount of time to wait between 2 attempts to open the file, in seconds, by default 0.1 Returns ------- h5py.File Open file handle to `file`. """ # Failing to open a file on fefs doesn't necessarily mean we won't succeed next time ! for _ in range(nb_retries - 1): try: f = h5py.File(file, mode) return f except BlockingIOError: time.sleep(wait_s) else: # try 1 last time, let tables error raise if failing again return h5py.File(file, mode)
[docs] def clear_db(): """Deletes the database file.""" db_file = find_db_file() if db_file.exists(): print("Deleting db at {}".format(db_file)) db_file.unlink() else: print("No file to delete.")
[docs] def get_db_file_handle(db_file: Path) -> h5py.File: """Open the database HDF5 file in append mode. On success, the returned h5py.File contains a dataset with the expected dtypes of the database. Parameters ---------- db_file : Path Path to the database file to open Returns ------- h5py.File File handle to the database """ if not db_file.exists(): db = np.empty( dtype=_DB_DTYPE, shape=(0,), ) f = open_file_retry_on_locked(db_file) f.create_dataset("SLURM_DB", data=db, maxshape=(None,)) return f else: return open_file_retry_on_locked(db_file)
[docs] def get_db(db_file: h5py.File) -> h5py.Dataset: """Get the Database as a dataset in the HDF5 file Parameters ---------- db_file : h5py.File Opened database file handle Returns ------- h5py.Dataset Dataset storing the database """ return db_file["SLURM_DB"]
[docs] def update_with_default_value(db_dict: Dict) -> Dict: """Update `db_dict` missing fields with the default value in the database Parameters ---------- db_dict : Dict dict containing a database row data, possibly missing some columns to be filled with default values Returns ------- Dict dict with all fields expected by the database present, with `dict` values if present, otherwise default values """ default_dict = copy.deepcopy(DB_DEFAULTS) default_dict.update(db_dict) return default_dict
[docs] def append_job(db_file: h5py.File, **kwargs) -> int: """Append a job to the database Parameters ---------- db_file : h5py.File Opened file handle to the database Returns ------- int Index of the job that was appended """ dataset = get_db(db_file) dataset.resize(dataset.shape[0] + 1, axis=0) job_data = np.empty(dtype=dataset.dtype, shape=(1,)) for k, v in update_with_default_value(kwargs).items(): job_data[k] = v dataset[-1] = job_data return dataset.shape[0] - 1
[docs] def update_db_value(db_file: h5py.File, index: int, key: str, value: Any): """Update the `value` of `key` in the database, at `index` Parameters ---------- db_file : h5py.File Opened file handle to the database HDF5 file index : int Index of the row to update key : str Field to update value : Any New value for the field """ dataset = get_db(db_file) update_value = dataset[index] update_value[key] = value dataset[index] = update_value
[docs] def get_filtered_DB_mask(db_file: h5py.File, fields_values: Dict[str, str | List[str]]) -> np.ndarray: """Get a mask selecting the DB rows where the field values are equal to `fields_values` values. Parameters ---------- db_file : h5py.File Opened file handle to the database HDF5 file fields_values : Dict[str, str | List[str]] Map from fields to allowed fields values. Rows where the fields value is not equal to one of the field values are not selected. Key: field name, eg "NAME", "USER" values: field value, eg "Robert", ["Robert", "Roberta"] Returns ------- np.ndarray Index mask array, True where the row's fields are equal to the `field_values`. """ db = get_db(db_file) total_mask = np.ones(shape=(db.shape[0],), dtype=bool) for field, values in fields_values.items(): mask = np.zeros(shape=(db.shape[0],), dtype=bool) value_list = values if isinstance(values, list) else [values] for v in value_list: mask |= db[field] == v total_mask &= mask return total_mask